AI-generated (stable diffusion) ge of "cyclon writing with a pen".

The sporadic blog of David J A Cooper. I write sci-fi, teach software engineering, and occasionally say related (or not related) things.

Check out Nova Sapiens: The Believers.




Sadly, due to seemingly increasingly frequent downtime at, I’ve shifted Dave’s Archives over to a paid service – Jumba. In the process, I’ve discovered to my amusement and mild shock that one doesn’t actually need to use the command line anymore in order to set up a website on a Linux machine, even if you have PHP web applications with database backends. Jumba (and, I’m informed, most other web hosting services that run Linux) lets you use a web-based interface called cPanel to manipulate just about everything you could possibly want to manipulate. It even has a web-based file manager built in, which actually works in Konqueror. It even has an add-on called Fantastico, which will install and configure web applications (like WordPress) with little more than a couple of button clicks on your part. I’ve shifted the entire site – database, theme and other miscellaneous settings – without even glimpsing the command line.

I suppose a few seasoned web developers are raising their eyebrows wondering how I managed to find a rock large enough to hide under for the last five years, or for however long this sort of thing has been going on. This is a new thing for me. My brain associates “using Linux” with either GNOME, KDE or the command-line, the first two of which are (generally) irrelevant if you’re accessing the computer remotely. Nostalgia be damned. I have seen the light, and it is good.