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The sporadic blog of David J A Cooper. I write sci-fi, teach software engineering, and occasionally say related (or not related) things.

Check out Nova Sapiens: The Believers.

Poor persecuted Monckton



His Great and Wondrous Beneficence the Lord Christopher Monckton did, after all, give a lecture at Notre Dame University. Attempts (initiated by Natalie Latter) to dissuade Notre Dame from lending Monckton its credibility did not come to fruition, though drawing attention to his Lordship’s rank lunacy is always a small victory in itself.

As the letter puts it:

We all support academic freedom and the freedom to express our ideas and beliefs. However, Notre Dame University has a responsibility to avoid promoting discredited views on an issue of public risk. Notre Dame’s invitation to Lord Monckton makes a mockery of academic standards and the pursuit of evidence-based knowledge.

This has been laughably characterised as an attempt to “gag” Monckton (who has a minor obsession with characterising people as fascists and war criminals, suggesting for instance that climate scientists ought to stand trial for genocide). Does anyone honestly think that Monckton actually could have been gagged?

This call to preserve academic standards morphed (perhaps predictably) into a spurious fight for free speech. Tell me, dear reader: when was the last time you exercised your apparently fundamental democratic right to give a public lecture at a university? [1]It is entirely possible, I suppose, that you have indeed given a public lecture at a university, but I think you’ll agree that it’s not exactly a right. Do you believe that you have that right; that a university has a duty to invite you to give a lecture if you see fit to give one? Why should Monckton be afforded this privilege, when clearly “ordinary” members of the public are not?

Some, such as Professor Chris Doepel at Notre Dame, argue that all points of view must be heard. This is the refrain we hear from creationists asking that “Intelligent Design” be taught in schools. It’s a convenient rhetorical tool for engineering doubt. The consensus of virtually all the relevant experts, arrived at by considering the entire gamut of objective data collection and analysis conducted over decades, is made to look like only one set of opinions, rivaled by another set of opinions formed simply by making things up. Doepel makes the following self-refuting remark:

The university does not take a view one way or the other on the positions advocated by Christopher Monckton.

But that is a position on Monckton. An individual person might legitimately claim not to know enough to form an opinion [2]I sometimes admire those willing to admit ignorance rather than pick whichever view “feels” better., but it beggars belief that a university – a place wherein truth is uncovered and disseminated – would have formed no position on one of the most outspoken and controversial figures of our time. A refusal to condemn Monckton’s views, for an institution that cannot possibly claim ignorance of what he stands for, is effectively an endorsement of those views. We certainly know where Notre Dame stands on legitimate climate research and climate action, then.

Others (such as the Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt) believe we should just let Monckton speak, and take the time to refute his claims. But this is to accept the false dichotomy that either he be allowed to speak wherever he likes, at any institution, or we tie him up in the basement. Monckton was clearly never in any danger of actually being silenced, not even if Notre Dame had heeded the call to preserve its academic integrity. Universities have credibility in the first place precisely because they discriminate between views supported by evidence and views not so supported (the same as scientific journals, and the scientific process in general). One can delude oneself into thinking that this is somehow undemocratic, but then reality isn’t democratic. At some point, for the sake of advancing the human cause, we must stand up and pass judgement; not on each other, but on our ideas. Science, technology, economics, etc. are not served simply by sitting and listening politely and “fairly” to endless regurgitations of refuted arguments. We have the media and the Internet for that; universities should know better.

Some believe we should just ignore Monckton. However, the man is steering the public debate in ways that are fundamentally detrimental to the prospects for sensible policy making. We cannot just ignore him. Academic institutional credibility aside, he already has all the media coverage anyone could dream of. This isn’t the result of some PR folly by his critics, but rather his oratory skills and the cozy hardline ideological relationship he has with some very loud and obnoxious media personalities.

It is incumbent upon academics to preserve the integrity of their institutions, and to confront misinformation that threatens to derail rational decision making. Free speech is a right, no doubt, but credibility must be earned.


1 It is entirely possible, I suppose, that you have indeed given a public lecture at a university, but I think you’ll agree that it’s not exactly a right.
2 I sometimes admire those willing to admit ignorance rather than pick whichever view “feels” better.


5 responses to “Poor persecuted Monckton”

  1. palmer Avatar

    As Lord Monckton is one of my species I can see his point of view. He is talking about prophesy. Mathematical Models form part of an intellectual rather than scientific models. God is mathematics. He controls climate. Not us mere mortals.

    1. Jason Avatar

      If God is mathematics, then given the inherent limits of mathematics and its expression, we cannot be talking about an omnipotent God. Perhaps you are not referring to the Judeo-Christian concept of God, but one of the more polytheistic brands, in which case we could have the various godlike figures of whatever religion we are talking about stand in for systems of mathematical expression, each with their own personalities and characteristic weaknesses.

      Category theory might have something to say about the equivalence of the soap-opera families of Norse or Greek gods with the various fields of mathematics.

      1. Dave C Avatar

        I was hoping you’d turn up.

        I have nothing more to add.

  2. palmer Avatar

    Lord Munckton is of another planet. I see him as an amazing person willing to risk public vilification for expressing his multi-disciplinarian views. A man offering solace to the few who may agree and some alternatives to think about; or is thinking becoming an outdated mode of knowledge creation? Prophesy is becoming the realm of multinationals who wish to dictate the future direction of this planet. Mere mortals again are rising up to test the power of the Lord. Such is the prophesy. Machines will be designed to challenge openly the power and wisdom of God. Babel is pending if change is ignored. Satellites will fall from the sky. Darkness will fill the land and humans will cease to exist. Its not the climate we should control but ourselves.

    1. Dave C Avatar

      I’m not quite sure what to make of your effort there, to be honest. Let’s just say – there seems to be a profusion of concepts one does not ordinarily associate with the scientific process.