Tag: ABC
ABC News Panic
This is ABC News Breakfast co-host Virginia Trioli, in a recent promo: I reckon when people wake up in the morning they have one primary concern: is the world safe? Has anything happened drastically overnight that I need to know about and that I need to worry about. I don’t know if this is how…
I’m not racist, because…
Following on from that racism study, the comments below SBS’s article on the subject threaten to provide some good starting material for an incarnation of internet bingo. Again the Left shows its superficiality. If people are wary of Islam, then they are not racist because Islam is not a race. It’s a religion. Aha! Religion,…
A “pseudo-intellectual trifle”
Scott Stephens has an article on the ABC’s Religion and Ethics website called “The Poverty of the New Atheism“. PZ Myers has a go at this (and he’s seen it all before). Stephens’ article resembles the Courtier’s Reply, another of Myers’ illuminations. Theologians seem to object to atheist arguments not because they’re wrong – they hardly…
The institution of specious reasoning
Stumbling across the ABC’s “Religion and Ethics” department, I discovered David Novak’s rather bluntly titled article: “No Right to Marriage for Same-Sex Couples“. It’s long, rambling and so far hasn’t attracted a lot of attention (judging from the solitary comment). Novak’s points are at least made clearly enough (though rather verbose), but in the end they…
The ABC of climate change denial
The ABC chairman Maurice Newman’s thoughts on the reporting of climate change are, I think, symptomatic of the damage that denialism has inflicted. He was interviewed on Wednesday, and appears more than a little ignorant of the state our of climate knowledge, and even a little naïve regarding scientific processes. Newman says: My view on…
Quality news
How’s this for a misleading headline from the ABC: “China may have to bail us out: Rudd“. The user comments below the article howl in derision at the injustice of selling out the country to those funny Mandarin-speakers. No, people, Rudd wants China to bail out the International Monetary Fund, not Australia. The ABC’s article…
What matters in this election?
There’s an online poll on the ABC’s 4 Corners website regarding the election. The first question asks “In the last two weeks of the campaign what do you see as the SINGLE most important issue?” You are given a choice between “Economy/Interest rates”, “Climate change”, “Industrial relations”, “Education” and “Health”. Important for whom? Us or…