Tag: group voting tickets

  • WA senate election 2014: allegiances

    At first glance, it’s difficult to make much of the group voting ticket (GVT) data. One of the most important bits of information, I feel, is whether each party preferences the Liberals before or after Labor. Or, to ask a slightly more complicated question, how does each party rank the most likely winners? The answer would…

  • WA senate election 2014: GVT rankings

    The senate group voting tickets (GVTs) for the 2014 WA Senate election have now been released in CSV form. This allows me to do what I did last time. First, here are the median positions of each party among all parties’ preferences: We’ve lost a few parties since last time: One Nation; the Australian Independents;…

  • Fun with Senate GVT Data

    As I learnt from the Poll Bludger, the Senate group voting tickets were released a few days ago. (The data is available in CSV form from the AEC: NSW, Vic, Qld, WA, SA, Tas, ACT, NT.) Group voting tickets (if you don’t know) are the way most voters choose to vote on the senate ballot…