Tag: media

  • The price of opinion

    Gina Rinehart, for all that she inspires consternation, does not strike me as a particularly deep thinker. The poetry is a giveaway. We laugh, but it does tell us something serious about the person who wrote it. For instance, consider this extract: Is our future threatened with massive debts run up by political hacks Who…

  • Help! Help! I’m being regulated

    The Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Media and Media Regulation by Ray Finkelstein (which I shall henceforth refer to as RIIMMR, more enthusiastically had it come in holographic form) was released about 3 weeks ago [1]I’m a bit late to the party, but the wheels of government do turn rather slowly.. One of its more…

  • Non-consensual wisdom

    Previously, Shane Greenup brought to my attention two very interesting software projects, with somewhat similar goals: his own rbutr (currently in beta testing), and Dan Whaley’s Hypothes.is (currently being planned and prototyped). Rbutr (pronounced “rebutter”) allows its user base to link together web pages that rebut one another. These links eventually form conversation chains and webs that…

  • Glossary of politics

    I thought I’d iron out some common appropriations of English words and phrases as used by politicians and journalists. Let me know if you have any more suggestions. accountability. 1. (n.) The state of being duly sniped at while virtuously refraining from voicing any counterargument that would draw attention to the ridiculousness of the snipes. 2. hold to account (v.)…

  • The American hypothesis

    I have a hypothesis on politics – a somewhat unfortunate hypothesis given its implications. Roughly speaking, it’s this: the workability of democracy diminishes with large populations. I’m not talking about the logistics of holding elections, but about the ability of society to engage in meaningful debate. My reasoning goes like this. Insofar as I can…